Does your smile leave a lasting impression?

Did you know that your smile is one of the first things people notice about you? It’s also the feature they first think of when they remember you. Knowing this, you might start to wonder, does your smile leave a lasting impression? If you have a healthy smile that stands out even when you’re not in the room, it can help you land a promotion, negotiate a better salary, and even motivate others on the job. So what happens when you’re struggling with crooked teeth, misalignment, or other orthodontic issues? 

Here at Champlain Orthodontics, we strive to help all of our patients live up to their fullest potential! Feeling self-conscious about the state of your smile can hold you back, but our unique and effective treatment options can help you put your best foot forward. Let’s explore a little more about why smiles matter when it comes to a successful career, and what we can do to help you achieve it!

Set the tone with a smile

A genuine smile helps put others at ease and it can also make you appear friendlier and more approachable. This is something potential employers take notice of! When you attend a job interview, for instance, your credentials are only part of what the interviewer will be looking at. If you appear to be stiff, unfriendly or lacking the ability to connect with others, it could hurt your chances of being offered the position or promotion you’re after. Successful companies don’t just want a candidate who is qualified on paper, they also want someone who will contribute to a positive work environment by building a positive rapport with coworkers and clients alike. 


Smile and the world smiles with you

Humans naturally mimic facial expressions, even when we don’t realize we’re doing it. This can trigger a similar emotional state and even briefly boost our mood. It also allows us to understand the person with whom we are communicating and respond appropriately – which is why we tend to smile back when someone smiles at us. It turns out that smiling really is contagious!

A bright, healthy smile can also signal to potential employers that you could be a positive influence on those around you. A study was conducted by scientists at the University of Kansas in which subjects were given stressful tasks to complete. Some participants were asked to smile during these tasks while others were told to maintain a neutral expression. Researchers measured the heart rates of the participants and the subjects were asked to self-report their stress levels as they performed the tasks.

Those who had been told to smile reported lower heart rates and their bodies showed more resistance to stress. They also reported feeling more positive overall than those who were told to keep a straight face, proving the power in a smile! A big smile is attractive to employers and coworkers alike and that can lead to some real advantages in the workplace.  

Another study at Yale University attempted to show this by dividing volunteers into small groups and assigning specific tasks. One team member was secretly instructed to act upbeat upon entering the room. When that person came in with a smile on their face and a positive attitude, the mood in the room was improved almost immediately! The study also found that each individual’s performance improved and the group itself was more likely to achieve the goal it had been given.

The Halo Effect

Researcher Edward Thorndike coined the term “halo effect” in 1920 to describe the way our brains attach positive qualities to a person once we see just one positive quality. Essentially, we extrapolate information about a person based on our own perception of them, and while that may not be a particularly fair way to process new people we meet, it certainly shows just how significant first impressions can be!

One trait that’s been proven to get the halo effect going is an attractive smile. People who have a bright, beautiful smile are naturally seen as smarter, wittier, more successful and hardworking, and more trustworthy than someone who doesn’t smile often or struggles with oral health. Have you been trying to get your foot in the door or close out a big deal? Your smile could kick off the halo effect in a way that will serve you well.

Increase your self-esteem

It’s hard to step out of your comfort zone and take risks when you don’t feel confident in every part of yourself. However, that’s often just what you need for true success! If you’re happy with your appearance you’re likely to feel better about yourself, and having a smile you love can really boost your self-confidence. Invisalign actually conducted a survey on this and found that almost 80% of adults who completed orthodontic treatment said that having a healthier smile gave them the confidence to do something they never would have considered doing before. That number is nothing to ignore!


Find the secret to a successful smile at Champlain Orthodontics

Appearance plays an important role in how we feel about ourselves and how others perceive us. It can influence our overall hireability, too! At Champlain Orthodontics, we can help you achieve a beautiful smile that feels great and looks amazing thanks to a variety of treatment options. These range from traditional metal braces to the innovative Invisalign system. Thanks to modern orthodontic technology, these treatments are more comfortable and discreet than ever before, which is perfect for our adult patients!

Speaking of adult patients, healthy teeth can be moved at any age, and current treatment options make it easy to get the smile you’ve always wanted. While correcting orthodontic issues will improve your oral health, don’t underestimate the importance of improved self-confidence, too! Smiling has been linked to better moods, greater positivity, and being able to connect with others more easily. It’s also shown to reduce stress levels, something most of us can appreciate in this hectic day and age.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can give you a smile that will help you get ahead, get in touch today to schedule your FREE consultation